Thursday, February 24, 2011

Weight loss

Today I'm going to tell you a bit about me...
Me October 08

Ever since I had Tim in March of "97" I have struggled with my weight. I lost a little after having him and then got pregnant with Nick and after that it just became a battle, a losing battle! I tried all kids of things to get the weight off and it would work for a bit and then something would happen (depression mostly) and I would gain it back plus more. You know the story, mine was the same. A weight loss/gain Yo-yo. In March of "08" I had, had enough! I found out that my insurance covered Weight loss Surgery at certain "Centers of Excellence" and we just happen to have 2 in Oregon. Legacy Good Samaritan could get me in the soonest for the "required information session" So my Aunt and I went. I already knew what I was getting myself into because my Mom-in-law had the same surgery.
Me January 09

A few things were going on so I didn't make my initial appointment right away but when I did make it they were able to get my in the first part of May. From May until surgery date I had a bunch of counseling, sleep studies, nutritional and weight management classes and appointments I had to go to. I was approved for the surgery! I was sooo excited.  I had it August 8th, 2008.  
Me May 09

 Healing went well and I started losing weight but it was pretty slow to start. You see, I chose to have the "Lap Band".  I love my choice but there is a lot of maintenance with it. With this band you need to go in and have fluid put in it to keep it tight. As time goes on the "fills" get less frequent. At first I had to go every 3 weeks, then once a month. My start weight was 265 lbs by April "09" I was down to 192 lbs. I was pretty excited about that, then unfortunately I had a "band slip" which mean my band came un-done and had slipped down my stomach and was shutting it off completely. I couldn't keep any food down, so I went in and had to have emergency surgery to fix it. They took all the fluid out of my band and I had to start all over....I was NOT happy about I started getting fills and losing weight again but in June I got pregnant with the twins and had to have all the fluid removed for my band again...I needed to be able to eat and help my babies grow.

Me preggo January 2010

When the babies were almost 6 months old I started getting fills again and slowly started losing weight again...At my first "fill" appointment I was at 233, (VERY embarrassing to admit that, but I'm trying to keep this real)  Life is crazy having a sick baby so I didn't lose as much, as quickly as I had hoped for, but I was losing....Well, Christmas day I ended up in the Emergency room with Gall bladder issues and need to have it removed. UGH! So December 29th I had surgery and all the fluid taken back out of my band.  DANG it!!! LOL.
Me November 2010

So now I have had one fill so far and am down to 209 and was planning on getting a fill today but this dang snow had other plans...GRRR!!   So that's my weight loss story so far.

 P.s. I am planning on making my hair blonde again soon!!!

Do any of you have weight loss issues? Care to share?

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